Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Old School's still the coolest!!!

I‘ve been putting off this post for quite a while, But I don’t think ill be able to any more seeing that all of my friends’ blogs have a post about Loyola and mine does not. Having studied in Loyola for 13 years it seems only proper for me to have one in my blog as well.
Where do I start? Words fail me … I realize how difficult it is to put in words what Loyola means to me. It’s hardly been a year and half since ive passed out but have I moved on??…I guess not… Everybody knows how passionate we are about school. In fact even after passing out most of us spend our free time at school, hanging out… a rarity in most other institutions, and that is precisely what makes Loyola different. To us it is more that just a school. It has become part of our soul.
13 of the most glorious years of my life I’ve spent here and I am proud to say that I cherish each and every moment of it too, thanks to 48 very special people, with whom ive spent more than three quarters of my life. Well, Ive had conflicts with quite a few of them, but over the years, ive come to realize that, you quarrel the most with people you truly care about. Every time I return to school warm memories swarm my mind. Heck, right now I’d give anything in the world to be a 16 yr old again and return to Loyola as a twelfth grader.
`Boy do I miss those lunch breaks…. Observing Darwins theory of evolution in action, in our own Joseph uncles watery beef curry…what used to be beef evolved into single celled and later even into multi cellular organisms… more recently sightings of humanoid creatures with opposable thumbs have been reported….
Then came a certain Mr. Fijo Funny’s computer classes…Mr Fijo Funny (alias) was none other than our dearest computer professor, who was roughly as intelligent as the guy who invented the wheel… This poor unsuspecting soul believed that every living hour we spent in the computer lab was devoted to cpp…. He also has the dubious distinction of being the only computer professor in the world who was unware of what a small group of computers connected over LAN is capable of. There was also a group of students whose sole purpose in life was to annoy the living shit out of poor Mr. Fijo….
Then there was dear old Edassery achan who threatened to expel me for not repaying a hugeeeeeee loan of 10 bucks. Syam still owes him a couple thousand bucks.
Oh yea, DP s classes were a treat too. DP …….who was able to see beyond the extreme sexual euphemism of a poem (kubla khan) while less confused perversion obsessed mortals like us were unable to. To quote a black immigrant dude from her class “Ithonnum kubla khan swapnathil polum vicharichu kaanilla!!!” Once in a while she’d take us out to the multimedia room to catch a good flick and we’d have the time of our lives “alambing”…that’s where some of us actually learnt to wolf whistle.
I even remember our biology classes way back in the sixth standard and someone asking Thomaskutty sir where a flowering plants testicles were??
Then there was joy sir…. our friendly neighbourhood genius who would have gone on to become the winner of the popular TV reality show ”Americas Next Big MAD SCIENTIST! Muhuhahaha*cough*” if he hadn’t become a teacher!! Some say he’s messy but I beg to deffer… he’s just obsessed with the 70 s style…ya know…the “sodakuppi” glass, the hippie hairstyle sans head band…and its common knowledge that in the 70’s people used to wear the same shirt atleast 4 times a week and shave once a year, so its okay.
Our batch plans to present him with a comb on our 10th anniversary reunion. (If he doesn’t have a wig by then that is!).
Being a K.U. sophomore is no fun at all. Heck, you don’t even get time to take a comfortable dump. Only now do I realize how much I truly miss Loyola. The happiest moments of my life were spent walking down that narrow lane from sreekariyam to Loyola. The Loyola, which gave me a thousand memories that ill hold close to my heart till my dying day; the Loyola that gave us the freedom to be whatever we wanted to be; the Loyola that moulded each and every one of us 49,into proper men of substance…



s said...

Ya..people seem to like their schools wen they hate wat hey do after that
dude..its upto u to make your collg life even better..

Anonymous said...

Nice shots....I gotta say..nothing beats life in Loyola quote a pal of mine "Life without Loyola is like a flat breasted chick" :D...

Hari said...

Sorry for the late comment... Was totally fucked up yesterday, that's why.

Nice post, man. Brought tears to my eyes. I guess I'll go for a detailed comment on some points I beg to differ.. ;-)

"Then came a certain Mr. Fijo Funny’s computer classes…Mr Fijo Funny (alias) was none other than our dearest computer professor, who was roughly as intelligent as the guy who invented the wheel…"
C'mon, dude!! Don't insult that poor 'wheel' guy! He was perhaps the most intelligent man of his times! I'm sure he deserves more accolade than a comparison with Mr Funny himself. :P

"DP …….who was able to see beyond the extreme sexual euphemism of a poem (kubla khan) while less confused perversion obsessed mortals like us were unable to."
LOL man!! DP rocks!! Miss her badly. :-(

"Some say he’s messy but I beg to deffer… he’s just obsessed with the 70 s style…ya know…the “sodakuppi” glass, the hippie hairstyle sans head band…"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Joy sir's hair wasn't THAT long, was it? Alright, he never used to comb it, yes.

Anyways, this post was a nice break from your previous 'perversive' ones. :P Way to go, bro!!

Anonymous said...

School. Its one thing that anybody can say anything about, instantly resolve arguments, changing topics and will probably, in the near future stop some gang war.

On another note, Shijo would have marvelously fit in, in the time when the wheel was invented. Life these days is too complex.

But then again, it's nice to be able to drink milk without owning a cow. Mmm... Cow...

thomas said...

well well, how many people have to repay Fr. Edassery's loans; I too have once borrowed 10 bucks from him, from then on, whenever he comes in my path, i change my route, hehe. And by the way, nice snaps, especially the road to chapel.

thomas said...

grr, i had to type the word verification like 3 times

rk said...

you sly old dawg!!!;D

Nitheesh said...

dude u could write dis well? man nice work... come up with such posts.. lot nicer to read these stuff.... man. rock on!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on coming up with a nice post. As hari said, its a welcome change from the usual crap that you write(think, talk, walk...).

You really should use those writing skills to make a change.

As usual, everyone loves the school. But all i see here are Loyolites comments. Vere arum ille?

One thing you will learn about bloging. A loyola post will fetch you tons more hits and appreciation than if you had written the whole of uncyclopedia by yourself(i checked your blogroll)

And i owe VP around 5005 i believe. it was 20,000 after la fest.. i managed the 15 somehow. I volunetted to be LOBA treasurer btw.. he ran away.. had enough fromm my la fest treasurer days :-D

dude rohit... im sure u can come up with mroe stuff to add to the blog
u can always edit later. try adding to the end okay :)

btw a doubt
Where did you get these pictures from??
I doubt if you took them hmm
Good ones they are btw.


Roshit Krishnan : dude
Roshit Krishnan : comment man
Syam Nath : hm?
Syam Nath : @#$#@%@&&&@#$@#
Syam Nath : -censored-censored-censored-
Roshit Krishnan : eh???????????????
Syam Nath : when im reading u ask me to read and when im writing the coment u ask me to comment
Syam Nath : retarded bastard
Roshit Krishnan : lol
Roshit Krishnan : rofl
Roshit Krishnan : dont mention tht in ur comment

it is always a good idea to include credits :P. else u might get comments like this:D

rk said...

moron!!!...credits to syamnath for giving me ideas ...happy????

g-man said...

putting it off for quite a while is right! starts off a bit formal eh? there's the good, the bad and the ugly, its all a part of it though :) at the end of it all, you don't really regret anything. fijo funny? as intelligent as the guy who invented the wheel?!? well, probably, but he sure doesn't give out the impression :D

dp's sex ed classes in poetry were pretty good :) we've had our share of them i think :P

flowering plant's testicles? 8| ntamme

america's next big mad scientist rofl! and he does have a comb :D the hairstyle is a carefully crafted one, contrary to popular opinion :)

pretty neat just need to loosen up a bit more. don't think, wen it comes to loyola, just feel!

BiBinhio said...


eda chette... ithu vare ellarum paranja pole ninakkinganeyum ezhuthan ariyamalle!!!...

srry 4 the malayalam part so far... jst came out of an onam meeting in colg!!!....


nice post da... in a way i think focusing on very little as u have done is quite nice and quite opp the 1 i wrote called My Loyola... My eyes... (or somethin lik tat!)... i liked it a lot...

yeah joy sir... comb... very necessary... oju inte aduthu para.. he'll call up all the shops in tvm and ask 4 the cheapest comb!!!...

Ashik Kalam said...

Hmmm a lot different from your usual sexual fantasies on text.
Nice pics;I know you din shoot those;but good selection tho.
And don't underestimate shijo funny;he did figure out at the end of 2 years that he could stop us from playing counter strike by turning LAN off.Now that's a lot of thinking and reasoning for a gy like him.
way to go bro,keep blawging.

iamtheicebox said...

ydude..liked the way u expressed ure views..especially on a topic like skool..wen ure missing skool when in college...liked the flowering plants testicles[;)]..

silverine said...

I don't think there is any school that inspires such loyalty and attachment as your school. Especially since this was a boys school. I have this great admiration for teachers, specially the ones during my time as they were real teachers. Today we have wannabe call center people doing teaching as part time. Somehow my school still has the good teachers, though poaching for teachers is threatening that now :( Teachers are in great demand now, for various online learning courses. I am happy though, that they too are now benefiting from the economy boom. Slightly off topic my comment has meandered, but I have this soft spot for teachers :) When you write from the heart, it shows. Great post!

rk said...


Anonymous said...

Hi ,

I was reading ur blog posts and found some of them to be very good.. u write well.. Why don't you popularize it more.. ur posts on ur blog ‘CAIN'S BLAWG’ took my particular attention as some of them are interesting topics of mine too;

BTW I help out some ex-IIMA guys who with another batch mate run where you can post links to your most loved blog-posts. Rambhai was the chaiwala at IIMA and it is a site where users can themselves share links to blog posts etc and other can find and vote on them. The best make it to the homepage!

This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


Anonymous said...

rotfl - the teacher is just not visible - i could make her 0ut only because of the sari! :)

sounds like a great school, good buddies...:)

mea culpa said...

I misss my school days....